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The Forky Stick
The Brumby Mare
The Moonlight Stallion
A Swag of Memories
Published Articles
Published Books:
The stories in this book are a collection of a lifetime of anecdotes relating to the old Forky Stick, by way of example and not intended as a complete dossier, for the uses go on forever.
"I had not long been on the Wandovale Station, a vast 1400 sq miles of cattle country in far North Queensland. 'The wet', by all accounts, was not a long way off. It was too late in the season to bustle, and there was a feeling of content creeping in around the place. Just as the hens tend to do and ducks before they roost. Not having been out this far before, and having been relaxing, in the old forky stick bush chair on the verandah for some timeand pondering in my mind as I watched the sun going down, what did lie ahead. I turned and asked the bloke alongside - 'What are we going to do when she starts to rain?' There was a long pause, then his reply -- 'Swim'.
Self-Published: 1988; 2nd reprint available. Illustrations by artist Bob Murray.
RRP: $20 aud +postage; to order, send an e-mail to

The Brumby Mare is an engaging collection of reminiscences about traditional Queensland stockman and Bushworkers in the 1950s and 60s, before the days of motorbikes and helicopters.
The Brumby Mare is sure to evoke nostalgia in bush folk, and for city readers it will bring the old world of the outback and the stockman to life.
"The mare's hot breath hit me in the face as she snorted and shook her head. Pausing momentarily before gaining contact again, I noticed that her ears were forward, which was quite an encouraging sign. Not so my hand, which was now beginning to shake, ever so little. I was becoming increasingly aware that my whole being was reacting to the tension building in that yard; I was entering a realm I had never been in before. So close now, I could feel the power of this horse.'
Published 2005, by Lothian

The Moonlight Stallion is a collection of reminiscences about a vanishing way of life in outback Australia - about people, wild and working animals, and country.
"Suddenly, the white stallion came into view, measuring his tread so purposefully on the massive flagstones of the courtyard. Each step was a gesture of grandeur. Once his majestic stance was framed by the glass windows, and his silhouette satisfied his vanity, he pounded a front hoof to the stone. The noise echoed through the building, punctuating his challenging stance of virility, as much as to say 'Here I am!'."
Published 2006, by Lothian

A Swag of Memories', is an anthology of 'The Brumby Mare' and 'The Moonlight Stallion'.
Published 2008, by Hachette Australia
RRP $29.95 AUD plus postage
Published Articles:
Brian Taylor is also a regular contributor to Wild Bird Talking ezine from WingedHearts.Org